Tuesday, February 04, 2020

#ClimateTwitter Chronicles

Is it worth to engage climate science deniers on Twitter?
Don't know, but having a little fun with it.

CO2 concentration in Earth’s atmosphere to the nearest hundredth of one percent: 1990: 0.04% 1995: 0.04% 2000: 0.04% 2005: 0.04% 2010: 0.04% 2015: 0.04% 2020: 0.04%

My responses:
The #Coronavirus is vanishingly small compared to the size of your body, 0.00% using your cutoff. Yet, you become quite sick and may even die from getting one.

Yes, you are confused. 
CO2 concentration is small, so measured per million; not per 100, not per 1000, not per 10,000. Per 1,000,000 (today 414 ppm). 
You are 0.00% of the world's population, yet you exist and matter.

Last one.  Game over. 
CO2 concentration in Earth’s atmosphere to the nearest tenth of one percent:
1990: 0.0%
1995: 0.0%
2000: 0.0%
2005: 0.0%
2010: 0.0%
2015: 0.0%
2020: 0.0%

@vdpluijm on Twitter

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